August 1, 2009


Since I'm missing the incentive to ride this week, I'm hoping a trip to the library will help reignite my motivation.

The Noncyclist's Guide to the Century and Other Road Races by Dawn Dais. Not only is the author a local, she is also hilarious. This book chronicles the trials and tribulations of the author as she trains for a century (100 mile) ride. Full of practical beginner advice, this book is also great just for sheer entertainment.

Bicycling for Dummies by Allen St. John. As with all of the Dummies series, this is a great book for spelling everything out. Great book for beginners or for experienced riders who want to learn more. This covers all the basics from types of bikes, riding styles, maintenance, and activities.

The Complete Guide to Road Cycling & Racing by William Peveler. This is a more technical book than the first two. Full of good information, but more oriented to intermediate/advanced riders. Still, a nice comprehensive book.

Big Blue Book of Bicycle Repair by C. Calvin Jones. Haven't read this one yet, but it comes highly recommended from multiple sources.

Changing Gears by Jane Schnell. This is not a how-to book but rather the journal of a woman who biked the perimeter of the United States over the period of a year. Inspiring, if rather dated (published in 1987).

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