July 21, 2009

Ride Report 7/21

30.5 miles in 2:45 (including changing flat #5 this week [this has to be some kind of record. I await your call, Guinness Book of Records] and collapsing for a break at mile 28) on the Bianchi

My feet and hands ache. My elbows and shoulders are stiff. My calves feel like rubber bands when I walk. Why am I doing this again?

I replace the spare tube and CO2 cartridge in the seat wedge in case my flat tire jinx continues. Today, I am staying on established bike paths and city streets. Around mile 5, I see something stuck to the front tire. When I stop to check it out, I discover it is a thorn. The front tire still has almost full pressure, so I decide to ride it out for an optimal tire-changing location. The tire still has probably 3/4 pressure when I find a nice shady spot in Old Sacramento to make repairs. I replace the tube in about 10 minutes and I'm on my way again.

On the surface streets, I average 15-16 mph. On the bike paths, I average 17-18 mph. At the turnaround point at Watt Ave, I have to get off the bike to soothe my whining feet. Today has been such a struggle at some points that I finish the ride by looping through Sac State and home. I have to get home to meet a prospective adopter for my foster kitten.

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